My story with these fairies has no end. Now the little fairy who learned to fly is tired from flying and the mother had to fetch a bird to carry her home...
After that they rested on their little quilt in the nest.
I stamped"Fairy Nest" on self made paper.
I have discovered a way to do the bird somehow "round" without the seams showing. It looks like wet felted!
Meine Geschichte mit den Feen nimmt kein Ende. Jetzt ist die kleine Fee müde vom Fliegen und die Mutter hat einen Vogel holen müßen, um sie nach Hause zu nehmen...
Dann haben sie sich auf dem kleinen Quilt ausgerastet.
Ich habe "Fairy Nest" (Feennest) auf selbstgeschöpftes Papier bedruckt.
Ich bin dahintergekommen, wie man den Vogel abgerundet machen kann, so dass er wie naß gefilzt aussieht!
I really like this group. One could make so many stories with them.
ReplyDeleteYou never cease to amaze me with your deceivingly child like sculptures that have such sophisticated double (or even more) messages. In these times of 'reality' popularity your magic is refreshing and welcome.
I love visiting your page and adore your fairies.
Rhode Island
Delightful! Once again, I squealed like a child with delight. Lovely, just lovely. I have a smile from ear to ear.
in Florida
genial! Schöne Geschichten sollten auch nicht enden :)
ReplyDeleteHard to verbalize how wonderful this group - and the story that goes with it! - is. Your work shines !
ReplyDeleteI do so love the bird!
ReplyDeleteDiese Feen sind so süss, und Du scheinst so viel Spass mit den zu haben! Der Vogel ist wunderschön.
ReplyDeleteThe bird is wonderful!
ReplyDeleteI'm actually really having fun with my art. Life can be so wonderful if you're not too serious...
ReplyDeleteIch liebe deine fairies und hoffe noch auf viele weitere Geschichten und Werke! Natürlich finde ich es sehr spannend, wie der Vogel gearbeitet worden ist, dass es wie nassgefilzt aussieht! Spitze!
ReplyDeletewhat a wonderfully creative imagination you have...i love the little fairies and the stories they could tell!
ReplyDeleteThe bird is wonderful and as always your fairies are as well
ReplyDeleteoh wow wow wow, I LOVE it all, what an amazing artist you are ~ Judy x
ReplyDeleteLove you story, love your fairies - beautiful!!