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I finished the piece I was working on.
It is one of my "serious" :-) ones. I would like to explain the process.
I noticed I work in a kind of brainstorming way. Beginning with one idea and my favorite techniques I begin setting a scene. This time I was thinking of the woods and of the fable creatures people of all nationalities and traditions place there.
The next association were the "Marterl". These are a kind of religious monuments you can find in the landscape, in the fields or in the woods in Austria. They are places to commemorate someone who happened to die at this place because of an accident or mere places of worship.
I always wonder when I find one of them during a hike tour what kind of believe moved these people to put such an anachronistic object in the middle of a landscape. They show Madonnas in full attire, souls roasting in purgatory, bishops in gold and silver... and I was thinking about fables and superstitions... but, which is which??? somehow I find that the elves are nearer to the woods ...
And then there is this source in the wood where we fetched a healing water (well, my husband did as he had his head operation) and which is now only working because they're pumping the water up with a pumping device (the miracle source disappeared some years ago), and there are these kiosk at Mariazell, Altötting (Holy Mary Sanctuaries in Austria and Baviera) which I visit when I happen to be near to them because of the atmosphere they have, full of candles and "milagros" hanging from the walls.
Scapularies and Milagros are sold everywhere, they hang from the kiosks and in the churches, people wear them and buy them. The ones who are going to the purgatory and the ones who sleep into heaven...
And of course I was thinking about these altar painting where the bad ones burn in the fire and the good ones are surrounded by clouds!!!
Die Fotos sind besser wenn man sie GROSS ansieht!
Dieses ist das Stück, das ich heute fertig stellte.
Es ist ein "Ernstes" :-)
Ich merkte diesmal, wie ich eigentlich arbeite. Es ist eine Art Ideenfindugsprozess. Ich fange an mit einer Idee und mit meinen eigenen Techniken. Damit mache ich eine Szene. Diesmal fing ich an in einem Wald mit Fabelwesen, solche, die sich alle Völker in Wäldern vorstellen.
Die nächste Assozierung waren die "Marterl". Diese sind religiöse Monumenten, die die Österreicher in Feld und Wald bauen. Sie erinnern an jemanden, der gerade da gestorben ist oder dienen einfach der Frömmigkeit.
Ich finde immer, wenn ich wandern gehe und sie schauen immer ein wenig anachrinistisch für mich, da sie -mitten in einer Landschaft- Madonnas in Prachtkleider, Seelen in Fegefeur, Bischöfe in Gold und Siber zeigen. Da ich gerade an Aberglauben und Fabeln dachte, fragte ich mich, welche sind die größten Aberglauben.... Irgendwie finde ich, dass die Elfen die kleinere Übertreibung sind...
Und dann dachte ich an die Quelle, woher wir ein Heilwasser im Wald holten als mein Mann Kopf operieren ging (mein Mann holte sie, eigentlich...). Die Quelle ist nur mehr mit einer Pumpe betrieben, da sie schon vor Jahren sonst versiegt wäre...
Auch dachte ich an Mariazell, Altötting, die ich eigentlich sehr gern besuche, wenn ich in ihrer Nähe bin. Ich liebe die Atmosphäre, die Kerzen, die Votivbilder, die Silberlungen, Silverbrüste, die die Kranken brachten, um auskuriert zu werden...
Votivbilder und Skapuliers werden überall verkauft. Sie hängen in den Läden, in den Altären, an den Wänden. Sie werden verkauft, gekauft und getragen. Von den Leuten, die im Fegefeur landen und von denen die im Herrn entschlafen...
Und natürlich dachte ich an diese Altarbilder, wo die Bösen braten im Feuer und die Guten sind von Wolken umgeben!!!
beautiful, full of harmony and an inner dream.,
ReplyDeletesara, i really like the depth of what is happening here. the story, the fabrics, but most of all i like the interweaving of old and new technique... the layering of hand stitching and embellisher. you have really developed a new style in the context of your time. it feels so good.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE this piece ! I also really like the story that goes with it! I also enjoy the woods & cairns & other memorials I sometimes find during a walk. Well done!
ReplyDeleteSara, this is stunning! I love hearing about your process too! so much thought and emotion in this piece... the little cocoon is wonderful, and I love the animals and squiggly little girls... WONDERFUL!!!
ReplyDeleteI found your blog and then saw an article on you in Quilting Arts.
I love your work - especially this current piece. Very complex story being told here
ReplyDeleteyou have outdone yourself, all I can say is beautiful!
Oh Sara, this is hauntingly beautiful.
ReplyDeleteA feast for the eyes. Thank-you for sharing.
Sara , this is so beautiful. I love the story behind it. It is very mystic.
ReplyDeleteYou say this is a serious piece and it is, I can see that, but such a wonderful meld too of lightness. The lovely twigs that form a frame and hold it together, the beautiful pieces of nature intermingled with your handwork.
ReplyDeleteI always thought of milagros as Mexican or Spanish but now I hear they are in Austria too. And those wonderful healing shrines. We have sort of Marterl's here along the roadside where people put crosses and dolls and fake flowers and so forth at the point where someone's had an auto accident. But to find them on hikes in the woods!!! Wow.
I learned such a lot from reading your description and of you process. You are very special in your vision. Have a peace filled and joyful holiday time. Suki
Another Museum piece Sara. I can't explain it, but your art has crossed a line into fine art. I would so much love to meet you since you are truly an amazing soul.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely wonderful Sara.
ReplyDeleteThis is so deep and thoughtful a beautiful piece Sara ~ Judy xxx
ReplyDeleteThe work that has been coming out of your imagination Sara has been so stunning that it has taken me a few days to hold it in my heart before I could fully post about the moving and tactile quality that you were able to assemble into this masterpiece! To view this piece in the sunlight with the wind slightly blowing so there would be movement in this piece would be a treat for the soul!
ReplyDeleteSara if you have time and inclination to answer I am wondering if you made the ceramic faces and what out of? Regular ceramic clay or the fake clay like "Sculpy" ?? They are lovely and I like the contrast with the fabric.
ReplyDeleteEinfach mal wieder wunderschön - ob ernst, heiter oder tiefgründig.
ReplyDeleteWünsch dir und deinen Lieben schöne WEihnachten und alles Gute für 2008,
Wirklich traumhaft!!
ReplyDeleteLG Iris
Aside I like your new music addition to your blog. These are not people I've heard before. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteWundervoll magische Installation. Naturpoesie. Deine kokonverhüllten Wesen erinnern mich an meine Wünschelelfen. Ich werde bei Zeit mal ein Foto posten.
ReplyDeleteEs ist so schön hier hereinzuschauen zu dürfen. Danke, für die kleinen Einblicke in eine seelenvolle Welt!
Lieber Gruß
Your comments are my dearest Christmas gift. They give me courage to begin the new year with a focus in my creativity.
ReplyDeleteI wish you all to feel such a warm feeling too!! Thank you!!
What incredible and lovely work you do! Glad to find you.
ReplyDeleteOh Sara, This is seriously beautiful. Sublime actually. You amaze me.
ReplyDeleteAnd speaking of amazing...did you steal my playlist? :-) We listen to the same music. I wonder if you have ever heard "Smog"? He is the partner of Joanna Newsom and the album "A River Ain't Too Much to Love" is just gorgeous.
Happy New Year and may the Angels be on your side.
truely amazing Sara!!!