Dec 6, 2007

Work progress

Now Blogger allows me to open bigger files, it has really moods...

I want to share the work I'm doing now, because it's going to take some time till I finish it. It's going to be a big piece, this is now about 20" (50cm) wide.

It hasn't a title yet. She's not "the" Madonna, she is our idea of the Madonna.

I must say that I'm more inspired by the crown of Moctezuma, which is unjustly kept in an Austrian museum.

Auf einmal erlaubt mir Blogger größere Fotos upzuloaden, er hat wirklich Launen...

Ich möchte den Fortschritt in einem Stück, das ich gerade mache, dokumentieren. Es wird ein größeres Stück, jetzt ist es ca. 50 cm breit.

Es hat noch keinen Namen. Sie ist nicht "die" Muttergottes, sie ist unsere Idee der Muttergottes.

Ich muß sagen, dass ich mehr durch die Krone von Montezuma inspiriert bin (die ungerechtersweise in einem österreichischen Museum aufgehoben ist).


  1. How amazing! I am at a loss for words to describe this wonderful delight for the eyes. Your art speaks volumes. Thank you for sharing your art with us all. You are inspiring. Jill from Florida

  2. You constantly stun me with your creative ideas. This is a very powerful piece.

  3. Fascinating combination of materials. The bottle, the rock the fabric. THIS piece seems very contemporary to me although your other piece did too.

  4. Oh Sara, so imaginative.

  5. Sara ~ wonderful inspiring work, Judy x

  6. Beautiful use of mixed media! I love the 'idea' and concept... the little heart in glass is enchanting. You continue to amaze me!!!

  7. Fabulous Sara! Your work always inspires me.

  8. I really love how you always take your ideas further

  9. ein traum sara! hatte letzt sowas ähnliches gedacht, als ich deine icicle betrachtete. ich liebe ikonen und heiligenscheine ...

  10. Totally awesomre! I am speechless!

  11. Sara,
    Your work gets more beautiful every time I check your blog, if that is possible! Love your art!

  12. Oh Sara, this is beautiful. Your work gets more and more delicate and I love the ideas behind it.
