I forgot to talk about this piece yesterday - and it went unnoticed because of the emphasis on the other theme - but I want to come back to it because it's the beginning of a bigger work that I intend to do in small pieces and is to be sewn together on the end. That's why this little square (6"x6" - 15x15cm) doesn't tell the whole story.
Ich habe vergessen, über das Stück von gestern zu reden - wegen dem anderen Thema - aber ich möchte auf dieses zurückkommen, weil es das erste Stück von einem Größeren ist. Es ist ca. 15x15cm.
The idea is to finish all the small pieces, stitched and with backing to do a kind of folk wall rug trying many new ways of using fabric, embellished wool and stitching.
Die Idee ist, kleine schon bestickte, gefütterte Stücke zu machen und sie dann zu einer Art Wandbehang zusammen zu nähen. Es ist auch eine Möglichkeit neue Techniken auszuprobieren.
You won't notice very much on the photo (perhaps better on the other one) that the middle piece stands about 1" (2,5cm) out of the background as the center of a reliquary casket and it's made of crochet with fabric stripes. I was making these plastic bags bowls and thought about using my huge stashes of fabric for doing bowls because I can never in three lives use all the amount of fabric I have stocked. I also have many self dyed fabrics I don't use because I like to stitch by hand rather than by machine and they are too stiff for this, specially in many layers.
Auf dem Foto merkt man nicht so viel, dass das mittlere Medaillon ziemlich erhaben ist, ca. 2,5 cm. Die Unterlage ist gehäkeltem selbstgefärbtem Stoff in Streifen geschnitten. Ich habe gerade diese Plastiktütenschalen gemacht und wollte die Technik auf Stoff ummünzen. Ich habe so viele selbstgefärbten Stoffen, die ich nicht nutze, da ich sie zu steif zum Handsticken finde.
It worked great and I did a felt frame with the embellisher to surround it. I used a flannel for the background and stitched all over. I punched some knitting wool threads couched with bullion knots around the figure.
Die Technik funktionierte sehr gut und ich machte einen Filz mit dem Embellisher rundherum. Ich verwendete Flanell für den Rücken und bestickte es. Ich punchte Strickwolle rund um das Medaillon und machte Bullionknoten über die Wolle.
The idea is to do this kind of construction in fabric (not that exuberant though). I'm always in love with constructions. It's not going to be exactly like that but you get what I mean. Now that I found this photo to depict the idea I find the photo also worth pondering for a future work... :-)
Das Bild zeig meine Idee für die Konstruktion. Nur die Idee, weil es anders werden wird und nicht mit so vielen Details. Aber das Foto, das ich gefunden habe, bringt mich auch zu neuen Ideen... :-)
I will show you the further process.
Sara! I miss a couple of days and you decide to change everything! I am totally with you! What a great story about the fisherman - so true... I too often ponder the whole idea of consumerism... I can only guess the wonderful new directions your art will take you, and such glorious heights!!! I adore the idea of this piece ~ one of my favorite pieces you ever showed was of your earlier triptych shrine, constructed in a similar way ~ truly an inspiration!!! I love your doodles, so like the piece I bought from you... It seems that all you touch turns into art!
I replied on your poll, "Sometimes" because if I had made a comment that I hoped for a reply to I might check back in to see if a reply had been made, otherwise I would just forget about it, since most bloggers don't comment about comments other than to say "I love to get comments!". This is one of my personal hangups about putting comments on someones blog. Bloggers always say they really welcome comments and yet it seems like such a dead end street. But if I blogged I would welcome comments too. But it is very rare for anyone to reply to comments on their blog, I find.
ReplyDeleteI love your work, your art.
I am totally with you on wanting to just give away my art work. I have not been successful on Etsy and have given most of my work to friends and family. I have tried to find new people to make trades with and that is very rewarding. Also I made a vow not to purchase any new fabric although I will allow myself to buy used fabrics at thrift stores, or clothing to use the fabric. I have been becoming very alarmed at the direction humans are heading regarding consumption of our Earth. I live very small, consume little, recycle and grow most of our own food. I find myself becoming rather fearful of where the world is heading unless humans make some big changes. I'm glad I never had children. I feel so badly for the animals and nature, humans are destroying it and I don't know if it will be able to recover unless humans change drastically. You are certainly moving in a good direction and I applaud you for your effort.
Jan in Oregon, USA
dear Sara ... I have loved your work for a very long time .
ReplyDeleteI was so happy that you visited my blog and looked at what I do .
Thank you for your comments.