Jan 25, 2008

Reality behing the fairy tale... - Realität hinter dem Märchen

This is an appraisal for the work my husband does to let this fairy tale come true (the work is never finished...).

If I have a studio and if I get so much inspiration it is because he always stands by me and let my dreams come true.

He enjoys the doing though and loves me to translate him your nice comments about the studio.

We are a good team and trigger each other's imagination, so that his interpretation of my wishes always exceed them!!

Thank you, hubby!!!!

Diese ist eine Anerkennung für die Arbeit, die mein Mann hinter den Kulissen leistet, um dieses Märchen Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen (die Arbeit ist nie zu Ende...)

Ich habe dieses Studio, in dem ich so viele Inspiration bekomme, nur weil er immer zu meiner Seite steht, um meine Träume zu verwirklichen.

Er genießt das Machen und er liebt, daß ich ihm die netten Kommentare, die alle hinterlassen, übersetze, wenn sie auf English sind.

Wir sind ein gutes Team und stecken einander mit unseren Phantasiegebilden. Seine Interpretation meiner Wünsche immer übersteigt sie.

Danke, Liebling!!!


  1. ...herzliche Grüße von uns an deinen Goldschatz! Er ist echt spitze!

  2. A most perfect and loving artistic partnership!

  3. And your studio is so beautiful, you are very lucky to have such a talented husband. I enjoyed looking at the pictures, could hardly believe my eyes.

  4. What a talented and supportive spouse you have! Fabulous duo!

  5. What a wonderful relationship you have and how well you work together. Thank you for the information on my dancing dolls, I'll look into that area.

  6. Auch von mir Anerkennung und Lob !!!
    Und liebe Grüße von meinem Mann hinter den Kulissen.
    Angela und Bernhard

  7. You are both very lucky to have each other. What a dear to support you so beautifully with the creation of a studio and home. Blessings to both, Suki

  8. You have a wonderful studio. It is a very good thing to have a supportive spouse.

  9. I'm sorry, I'm so envious of you! I like your work a lot, and I'm realy crazy about your home and studio! I'm living in Sintra, Portugal, and my dream is to have a studio with a view to the sea..with much light...maybe it comes true, someday.
    Congratulations to you and your husband, he must be a great partner!
    Kisses from Sintra!

  10. Your studio is the most amazing thing I've ever seen. It's a dreamland, really. Please tell your hubby that he's a dream man too. Every woman that does art dreams of a man that can support her in the way he supports you. His love for you shows and your love for him comes through in your art. Only someone that's fully supported can have the mindset to create the beauty that you do, so congrats for such a successful partnership.

  11. Hello! I think you wold really like Sintra specially Pena Palace, 'cause it looks like a scenary to a fary tale play.
    I would realy love to travel, but I have no travel money...lol, Going to be unenployed a few days from now, And maybe I'll be able to start working for myself. In a long shot, I may have a studio, someday.Maybe than we could exchange places, right now I think it woldn't be fair, my home is so little..
