Jan 7, 2008

Holidays production - Feiertagsausbeute

Not everything is fabric...

In the holidays I watched some films in TV. Because I can't keep my hands idle I stitched two capelets and and actually three Moebius scarfs (the children took them as soon as they were finished so that I couldn't even take a photo!).

I am a member of Ravelry and I was waiting for some spare time to knit. Now I have enough of it! :-)

The voodoo sweater is a wonderful solution I found for my needles storage problem. I never could find the needles I needed. Now I got the idea to hang them like you can see on the photo. I hung the sweater in my studio. Voilà!

Nicht alles ist Stoff...

In den Feiertagen habe ich fern geschaut und -dadurch daß ich meine Hände nicht still halten kann- dabei gestrickt. Das Ergebnis war zwei Umhänge und drei Moebius schals (die meine Kinder mir entwendet haben, bevor ich ein Foto davon machen konnte...)

Ich bin ein Mitglied von Ravelry
, die Internetgruppe für Stricker, und ich habe nur darauf gewartet, etwas beizutragen. Jetzt habe ich vom Stricken genug!

Die Voodoo-Aufhängung für Nadeln war ein toller Einfall um Nadeln zu sortieren und aufbewahren! :-)


  1. Your VooDoo sweater is wondrful. When I first saw the picture I thought maybe it was some strange piece of art work. ;-)

  2. Hey, liebe Sara, klasse!! Kennst du eigentlich den supercoolen Möbiuswrap von http://www.rohrspatzundwollmeise.de, bei freie Muster, schau mal, strickt sich spitze! Und sieht toll aus! Wär vielleicht was, hm?!
    Liebe Grüße, Marion

  3. The capelets are charming and the voodoo sweater is a riot. How great an idea is that!!! I too thought it was a wild artwork. Blessings, Suki

  4. Sara, this is gorgeous! I love the colour... what is your Ravelry name? I'd like to add you to my friends there.

    Liz (I'm dreamingspirals there)

  5. They are lovely, Sara. Love the voodoo sweater.

  6. Cool the sweater, did you now that needle voodoo is almost always used for healing? (not for cursing as Hollywood makes us believe)
    You make the most sensitive things, it's such a joy to see.

  7. That was a very guilty sweater!
