Nov 10, 2007

The heart of the room - Das Herz des Zimmers

After thinking a couple of year about a solution for the cold in the studio we came up with this idea.

We are doing a room in the room - around the chimney - so that this room can be heated enough to work in it.

We didn't want to darken the studio or to take it the feeling of place you had before so that we decided to do a glass house in the middle where you can see through. The space is made even more interesting because you only can guess what is behind the windows and not overview the room when you get into it.

This means that I have lots of dust and sawdust everywhere for the moment, but the idea of having it warm is really a comfort!!

I was thinking about the quilt Jude is making and her idea of the heart of the cloth... this is going to be the heart of the studio, where there is warmth... and I'm longing to see how it looks like when you come into the huge studio at night and the lights and the fire are glowing behind the window cage... it must be beautiful. How I would like to share this! don't you want to come and visit?

Nachdem wir ein Jahr an eine Lösung für die Kälte im Raum gedacht haben sind wir zu dieser Idee gekommen.

Wir machen ein Zimmer im Zimmer -rund um den Kamin - so dass dieses Zimmer warm genug ist um darin zu arbeiten.

Wir wollten das Studio nicht verdunkeln oder ihm das Gefühl der Weite nehmen, so dass wir uns dafür entschloßen, eine Art Glashaus zu machen. Der Raum wird dadurch noch interessanter, da man nicht alles überblicken kann, wenn man die Tür aufmacht.

Das bedeutet jetzt Staub und Sägespäne, aber der Trost wird das Ergebnis sein!

Ich habe über den Quilt von Jude nachgedacht, in dem sie eine warme Fläche in der Mitte macht, die das Herz des Quilts symbolisiert. Dieses Zimmer wird die warme Mitte vom Raum sein und ich freue mich schon, daran nachzudenken, wie es ausschauen wird, wenn man am Abend die Tür zum Studio aufmacht und man erblickt ein in Licht umhülltes Glashaus und ein Kaminfeuer lodernd drinnen... Ich würde dies mit euch allen teilen wollen! Kommt besuchen!


  1. It will have a beautiful heart, Sarah. A soft & gentle beauty, like yours and that of your fabric art.

  2. Please forgive me for spelling your name wrong. (blushing!)

  3. Looks like a great idea! I feel always cold in a room with a great volume. I think I would feel much better in your central room, and still enjoying the size of your workshop. In short, I agree with the solution.

  4. oh, sara, i have always loved this kind of plan, idea, i have considered a similar plan for my house which i will be renovating soon. it looks just wonderful. i guess it is difficult to heat such a large open space. hard to work with cold fingers!i hope i get to visit someday.

  5. ...da würde ich nur zu gerne am Abend die Tür aufmachen- eine umwerfende Atmosphäre! Genauso umwerfend wie die letzten Kunstwerke, ganz besonders gefällt mir die kleine Forest-Queen.
    Liebe Grüße!

  6. So viel Platz möchte ich auch mal haben...traumhaft!

  7. Just arrived at your site, via Jude, but I just love your studio space... please can I come and play... best wishes

  8. this is gorgeous, wonderous. Oh I love the different window and door shapes and the idea of warmth but with lots of light!!! Your studio is fabulous. I do wish to visit.

  9. Das ist eine wundervolle Idee, Sara, dir bleibt der Bezug zu all deinen Dingen und dem Licht im Studio erhalten! Diese Transparenz ist bestechend!

  10. What a great studio! And a nice idea, a roomintheroom. It sure looks as if you'll have a lot of visits:)
    Good luck for the final works.

  11. If you have time and inclination: What kind of heat are those 2 stoves. The small one looks like a woodstove. Is the larger one gas or wood?? I am trying to devise heat for my "studio" but can't use wood as it belongs to my mother who doesn't want me to use wood. Using gas also has some complications as does using electric space heaters which blow the fuses.

  12. Hi Sara WOW that space is so interesting and inviting with all those different shaped glass panels. Just wonderful.

  13. Uauu, it seems like your place is "quilt" itself! I hope to visit ... someday! Humm, maybe in the summer! ;)

  14. What a wonderfull place, must be very inspiring.

  15. This looks so cosy and yet you have all the light and space around you. Happy wintercrafting in your studio :-)

  16. Hi Sara. Thanks for replying to my heat inquiry on my blog. I replied back to you on my blog too but anyway thanks here too. Woodstove won't work in this instance cause it's mom's house and she doesnt want wood. But I think wood is a nice heat. Really warm giving.

  17. I love this so much. Saving it for ideas for when we build our house. I'm curious, was it a structure already standing that you converted into your studio, or did you build it?

  18. it was already standing! it was where the straw for the cows was kept.
