Mar 31, 2009

One more finished piece - Noch ein fertiges Stück

Here you can see my phyton scarf with many of my hand spun yarns. It was a lovely winter activity!

Hier kann man im Pythonschal noch einige meiner hand gesponnene Garne sehen. Es war eine wunderbare Wintertätigkeit!


  1. How beautiful!
    I'm going to try spinning - someday...

  2. Lushous colors. Like a raspberry sherbert.

  3. Hello, Sara--

    I love the scarf but I particularly love the wrist warmers. I did receive the OWOH giveaway item and it is so amazing. I will always treasure it and I am searching for the perfect place in my home to keep it on display all the time. Thank you so much and I'm sorry I took so long to write to thank you for sending it. . . . and especially for creating it! I find your work very inspiring and exciting. I showed it to some of my friends who are fiber artists, knitters, and quiltmakers and they all appreciated it, too.

  4. das wird ja immer schöner....und bunter.....
    die farben gefallen mir sehr!!!

  5. I love the colours you have used and the textures are wonderful.

  6. thank you all for your comments. It is nice to see that all of you respond to all kind of textiles. I think the diversity of possibilities is a wonderful thing. how wool can look great in all surfaces, either knitted, punched or felted. I always wanted to try all ways of working with it and I'm so happy I managed to spin after trying for a year to learn it!!

  7. wooooolle, jaaaa, meeeehr. und noch dazu so groovy gesponnen.
    liebe grüsse, ri

  8. Sara, I love this! Colours, texture both come together to make this beautiful scarf.
