I received my first Interweave Knits and I saw the advertisement of the Knitters Loom.
I immediately saw the potential (and the tons of single yarns in my stash!). Well, weaving was something I never tried (or wanted to). But this loom for knitters was something else. Something between knitting and weaving. And...all combinations of techniques that are possible.
Ich habe meine erste Interweave Knits Illustrierte bekommen und da sah ich eine Werbung über den Knitters Loom. Ich sah gleich das Potential (und die Tonnen von einspännigen Garne in meinem Lager). Na ja, ich hatte noch nicht zu weben versucht. Wollte eigentlich nie... Aber dieser Webrahmen ist etwas Anderes. Etwas zwischen Weben und Stricken. Und...man kann alles kombinieren mit den anderen Textilkunsttechniken.
Yesterday I weaved my first piece you see here with some bulky yarns and today I already tried something more special with viscose, novelty yarns and strips of silk fabric. I am enchanted with it! I already have it on but I must take photos of the finished piece tomorrow.
Gestern habe ich meinen ersten Schal gewebt, mit einem dickeren Strickgarn. Heute habe ich was Spezielleres ausprobiert. Mit Viskose, Trendgarne und Seidenstoffstreifen. Ich bin damit entzückt! Ich habe ihn schon an und morgen werde ich Fotos davon machen. Man sieht ihn auf dem Webrahmen noch, ganz seidig und angenehm zum Angreifen. Man kann auch den Webrahmen gut sehen.
You can see it on the loom here, all silky and nice to the touch!:

I show some different photos so that you can see how the loom looks like. It's so easy to handle, even for me (I'm not that kind of wet felter/weaver who can manage all this!)
I am so happy to have found your blog Sara, and have enjoyed catching up with your previous posts. Your scarf looks wonderful.
ReplyDeleteThat looks great, Sara! Congratulations on your first scarf! And you look so happy on that photo - I love it!
ReplyDeletethank you both!
ReplyDeleteOh Sara...it was such a wonderful surprise to find you in the new issue of Cloth paper!
ReplyDeleteI so look forward to meeting you. I hope you can come to Oregon and stay with me someday soon. Oregon is really beautiful....like Austria.
I think of Austria almost everyday because of our friend Harald and now knowing you are there too is so special.
Your new art on etsy is so beautiful...if you ever have a small piece let me know. I have sold one doll...cool but need to sell more work so I can buy and take more classes.
I am in the middle of my new studio move in...it is so nice and I will post photo's in a week or so. But the cleaning out boxes and drawers is awful.
What an interesting story you have...and I love the internet too for connecting with other artists all over the world.
I am so glad I found you!
Liebe Sara,
ReplyDeleteer sieht zum Streicheln und Kuscheln aus! Die Farben auch so schön warm und harmonisch...sie erinnern mich außerdem an meine Mutter, denn Blau- und Brauntöne ist ihre Lieblingskomnination.
Und Du so schön in Schale geworfen :o)...
Herzliche Grüße aus Ungarn
Hallo Sarah, respekt!
ReplyDeleteToll sieht er aus! Ich hatte einen Textildozenten, dessen Hobby Weben und Quilten war. Und an "Kette" ziehen für einen Stoff 300x60cm mit Muster schon in der Kette, habe ich keine gute Erinnerung! Toll!!!
Ah, ich habe noch einiges vom Stoff irgendwo vergraben, den kann man sicher auch mit Filz kombinieren...
Ja, so ein "Blog-hüpfen" inspiriert doch sehr, oder?
verfilzte Grüße,
oh ja, blog-hüpfen ist toll! ist was mit deinem studio geworden?
ReplyDeleteGoreous scarf! I was just reading about the knitters loom yesterday so your post is an amazing coincidence, makes me want to get one although I don't think I would have the patience to set it up.
ReplyDeletedu strahlst ja so richtig. und neue frisur?
ReplyDeletejetzt hast du ein neue spielzeug!
tolle erfahrungen viel freude am experimentieren wünsche ich dir!
How beautiful and what fun! Your loom looks a little intimidating for me - LOL! However, the items on your previous post are gorgeous!
ReplyDeletewünderschön sehen deine neuen schals aus!!!!
ReplyDelete...und als nächstes richtest du dann den großen webstuhl ein....und webst stoffe für kleider???? ;))))
lg melanie
Gracias por la música!!
ReplyDeleteY qué bien salís en las fotos... la mejor modelo para tus maravillosos trabajos.
Cariños Ana
thank you all for your comments. I never thought I would get so many about this theme!
ReplyDeleteI love your woven scarf and the loom looks very easy to handle. I have never tried weaving but it has always intrigued me. It was so good to read your article in Cloth Paper Scissors and to see the pictures of your work. Happy weaving!
ReplyDeleteI think I now know what I would like for my 60th birthday this summer! Thank you for show this to us - it really looks like lots of fun. I have looked it up on the Ashford site - I have an Ashford spinning wheel which I have had for over 25 years - so I know the quality of their goods! You scarf looks lovely.
ReplyDeleteThis scarf is so nice, I like it!
thank you! Ashford products are great! I'm sorry I don't have the Joy spinningwheel...
ReplyDeleteI received my CPS today, it was a surprise because I hadn't seen the photos they chose.
thank you, Kirsten, I'm coming with it to you!
Hi Sara .Love the knitted work. I keep thinking I would like to take it up as my Granmother had it down to an art form and I treasure everything she made for me. But a machine .Wow. I have a felting machine I just love and I bet the knitted fabric would be wonderful used in that as well as for clothing. Oh the things you can do.....julie
ReplyDeleteI adore your loom and I can tell you will have many happy hours with it1
ReplyDeleteVery pretty!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful work. Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteWe are having a challeng at www.mundopico.blogspot.com. Please take a look!
I loved your scarf, and searched online for a local source for the loom. I went to see it demonstrated at a nearby yarn shop. It looks like so much fun! It was a little more expensive that I thought it would be, but I may have to find a way...
ReplyDeleteI just love that photo of you wearing your scarf!
Fantastic blog you have here. You’ll discover me looking at your stuff often. Saved! Website