Feb 27, 2009


Just to tell you I took some time to put some pieces in Etsy because people were asking me to.

I was so lazy these last months... The many trips and visits I enjoyed let me forget everything else.

Yesterday I finished to tidy and organize my studio once more and now I'm preparing to start once more.

I must visit my daughter next week for a week. Family is also a chore!

Ich möchte nur sagen, dass ich einige Stücke wieder in Etsy zum Verkauf anbiete.

Ich war in diesen letzten Monaten sehr faul... Ich genoss viele Reisen und Besuche zu Familie und Bekannten.

Gestern habe ich mein Frühjahrsputz und Organisation im Studio abgeschlossen und das gibt mehr Schwung zum Arbeiten.

Nächste Woche muss ich aber doch noch eine Tochter für eine Woche besuchen. Familie ist auch Arbeit!


  1. Those pieces are so wonderful. How is the Etsy trade, (in general that is, I´m not prying about your personal business) is it greatly effected by the economic recession?

  2. Aside from loving your creations, I love the music on your site...Who are the artists that you are playing???? I want to listen to all of them!

    Much love,


  3. Such beautiful Sara Magic!
    Have a lovely visit with your daughter - Judith

  4. Sara,

    obrigado por nos informar que é Argentina! Fizemos uma nova postagem, HOJE, dando essa informação. Parabéns pelo seu trabalho!

  5. Love all these beautiful items Sara particularly the third one down....perfect.

  6. These are so delightful. I specially like the little figure in blue with the twig framework.

  7. Very beautiful - I love your work!

    Carolyn Saxby

  8. Das Herbstmädchen ist wunderschön! Aber was schreibe ich? All Deine Figuren sind wieder einmal so wunderschön! Sie haben so etwas märchenhaftes. Es springt einem direkt ins Herz! Dein Ideenreichtum ist immer wieder beeindruckend.

    Liebe Grüße, Kathrin

  9. Hi Sara -
    I just discovered your work from the article in the most recent issue of "Cloth, Paper, Scissors". Love your organic, intuitive, and "investigative" style, so full of texture and wonderful details.
    Very inspiring.
