Aug 20, 2008

Gloria finished - Gloria fertig

Now I have finished the piece and I added more story to it. The idea is "live, grow and flowrish". Nowadays we should pamper nature because it is already a necessity for our survival. Because of that the little angels on the portal of this building are sewing seeds to turn the world greener.
The piece is about 16" x 19" (40 x 50 cm).

Ich habe jetzt das Stück fertig gemacht und die Geschichte mehr verdeutlicht. Die Idee ist "lebe, wachse und blühe". Zurzeit sollten wir die Welt grüner machen, deswegen die kleinen Engel säen Saat aus, um Bäume und Pflazen wachsen zu lassen.
Das Stück ist ca. 40 x 50 cm).


  1. lovely sara, i like the soft palette on this one...

  2. this is so beautiful it's breathtaking.

  3. very beautiful...not enough words for me to express it properly :D

  4. Es ist wunderschön geworden!!!

  5. An exquisitely beautiful and deeply meaningful piece: I love it so much!

    Looking forward so much to October.

  6. Just beautiful. So delicate and detailed.Lovely colors and sewing.

  7. Sara! I am really enjoying your mixed media pieces. This one is especially wonderful.... the addition of lace, metal, and beads as well as calico's really works! I love the eye charm, and the tiny little crowns! Truly a stunning work!

  8. Oja, Sara, du hast so Recht, wir sollten unsere Lebensgrundlage gut bewahren.
    Und wie immer ist dein Werk ganz wunderbar geworden!
    Es ist unglaublich, wie du - ganz in deinem Stil - immer wieder noch etwas Neues hervorzauberst. Toll!

    LG Endlosfaden

  9. This is such a delight to look at and explore. There is no end to your talents.
    By the way, thank you for introducing Monika to Rag Rescue, we get on so well.

  10. So, so beautiful. I love these pieces of work you create.

  11. Exquisite! I especially love the idea of angels sowing seeds.

  12. gorgeous. simply gorgeous. what else can i say?

  13. Beautiful! It looks so delicate.

  14. this is so lovely! every detail, and the colours!

  15. ahh, amazing. I love the mixture of techniques and how well they work together.

  16. que maravilla..y la idea de los angeles plantadores me ha encantado!

  17. Deine Arbeiten, dein Blog und auch dein Atelier sind wunderwunderschön!

  18. Deine Arbeit wunderschön geworden. Besonders die Idee der kleinen Engel und den wachsenden Bäume in der Mitte des Bildes. Bei dem Format muss es im Original noch beeindruckender sein.
    Wirklich toll!

    Liebe Grüße, Kathrin

  19. Sara, I really feel that you speak volumes with your work, it is so expressive, and I love your thoughts on our planet too. So I have decided to give the following to you:
    You are the proud winner of two blog awards, congratulations, just go to my blog to collect and then pass these on, if you feel you would like to. Well, done Tricia

  20. Sara!!
    This piece is so very lovely! I love the way that you have integrated the text pages and the wonderful lace in amongst the delightful angels. The message is also soo important!!
    i am never dissappointed and alwyas enlightened when I come by your blog!

  21. Wunderwunderschön! Idee, Aussage, Farben, Umsetzung - Sara-Kunst halt!
    Ganz liebe Grüße

  22. أصدرت قرارا شركتنا مؤسسة تطهير خزانات بنجران التفرغ الكامل لمثل ذلك الموضوع للقيام بالبحث الدقيق في ذلك الميدان حتى يمكنها الذهاب للخارج من دائرة المخاطر التي تترقب من يقوم باستعمال تلك الخزانات دون الانتباه بالنظافة الشرسة لتلك الخزانات.
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