Aug 20, 2008

Gloria finished - Gloria fertig

Now I have finished the piece and I added more story to it. The idea is "live, grow and flowrish". Nowadays we should pamper nature because it is already a necessity for our survival. Because of that the little angels on the portal of this building are sewing seeds to turn the world greener.
The piece is about 16" x 19" (40 x 50 cm).

Ich habe jetzt das Stück fertig gemacht und die Geschichte mehr verdeutlicht. Die Idee ist "lebe, wachse und blühe". Zurzeit sollten wir die Welt grüner machen, deswegen die kleinen Engel säen Saat aus, um Bäume und Pflazen wachsen zu lassen.
Das Stück ist ca. 40 x 50 cm).

Aug 16, 2008

Knitting and Stitching Show 2008 London

I just want to ask if somebody is going to the Show at the Alexandra Palace on the 9th or 10th October. I have a card for both days and perhaps we could meet for a coffee.

I fly on the 12th back home so that I have the 11th free just in case somebody would like to spend the day in London with me visiting interesting non turistic places... :-)

Last time I came to London I spent both days with two ladies and we had a great time.

Aug 14, 2008


I'm working on this piece and having great fun because I'm mixing some techniques in a new way. I did some crochet with metal thread around the piece on the center, which is an old doily I felted into.

The colors are very tricky to work with on the photos because the white color tends to turn green... I did some corrections with Photoshop but I'm not that happy with the result.

The pieces aren't finished but I wanted to share the process. There is much embroidery to do and then it's going to be bigger too.

The arch is about 14" wide, so that you can have an idea of the size.

Ich arbeite gerade an dieses Stück und ich finde sehr lustig, Techniken wie Häkeln (mit Metall) mit Filzen (auf einem Mitteldeckerl) zu mischen.

Die Farben sind schwer zu fotografieren, da alles eher grün kommt. Ich bin nicht ganz glücklich mit meinen Photoshop Korrekturen.

Das Stück ist noch lange nicht fertig, aber ich wollte es Euch zeigen.

Die Breite vom Bogen ist ca. 34 cm, so dass man eine Idee von der Größe haben kann.

Aug 12, 2008

Wij Garden in Sweden - Wijgarten in Schweden

Please, see in LARGE!

Photos, bitte, GROSS anschauen!

We visited the Wij garden in the vicinity of the school where I was teaching. It is made by the gardener of the Swedish king and it is astonishing how things grow on those latitudes!!.

The day was more than grey and it was around 7:00pm but the colors were stunning bright!

Wir haben den Garten von Wij in der Nähe von der Schule besucht. Der Königsgärtner hat ihn gemacht und es ist unglaublich, wie alle diese Pflanzen in dieser nördlichen Gegend wachsen!!.

Der Tag war sehr grau und es war ca. 19h aber die Farben sind prächtig!

Aug 11, 2008

...and a pillow coming back - ...und ein Polster beim Zurückkehren

This is the pillow I did today with a yellow fabric I bought at Stockholm.

Now I'm back from my stay in Sweden. I enjoyed it very much because I met so wonderful people and the workshop was very interesting because most of the students worked the first time with an embellisher. They all did great and we had many beautiful pieces.

Tilleke Schwarz and Dorothy Tucker were the other teacher. Tilleke showed us photos of her work with embroidery and words while Dorothy spoke about kanthas. I enjoyed both talks a lot.

Tilleke had some copies of her book with her body of work "Mark Making". It's wonderful.

Pian Bates had also her book about embroidery that recently appeared and is worth seeing.

All was organized by the Embroidery Academy of Stockholm and the Symposium took place in a school in a picturesque Swedisch landscape to the north of Stockholm.

It was my first time in Sweden and I visited many museums and design shops and exhibitions in Stockholm with Annica (right) and Susan of Cyber Fyber (left):

Annica already has some photos of the Symposium on her blog. They were the most wonderful sightseeing companions.

I look forward to visit Sweden once more as soon as I can. I'm really in love with it!

Jetzt bin ich von Schweden zurück, wo ich die tollsten Erfahrungen gemacht habe. Selten habe ich eine Reise so genossen.

Tilleke Schwarz und Dorothy Tucker waren die anderen Lehrerinnen, die über ihr Werk auch sprachen. Dorothy sprach über Kanthas. Bitte folgen Sie die Links, die ich im englischen Text habe.

Aug 2, 2008

A pillow before I leave - Ein Polster bevor ich wegfahre

I'm leaving very soon for the workshop in Sweden. I wanted to show the little pillow I did this week for my living room.

I used a wool fabric as background and did also some free motion embroidery on it. It is about 9" x 9" (22 x 22 cm).

It's very easy to do and it would be a good gift.

Ich fahre bald nach Schweden und ich wollte vorher den Polster, den ich diese Woche gemacht habe, zeigen.

Ich verwendete Wollstoff für den Hintergrund und bestickte es mit Freihandstickerei (maschinsticken). Er ist ca. 22 x 22 cm.

Ich glaube, er wäre ein schönes schnelles Geschenk.