May 28, 2007

Small bag

I did this small bag yesterday trying some new techniques.

The funny thing you see looking out of the bag on the first photograph is my cell phone case.

I tried a new way to attach a cord on the upper border (the green one).
You take a felted cord (I used a cut out of another piece which I cut with the rotary cutter) and wrapped it in a strip of organza. After that I punched the open edge of the organza to the backing. This is the upper cord you can see. Both others are made of knitting wool also punched with the embellisher.

To do the cord for hanging the bag I took a satin band and punched wool on it. I cut once more a strip of organza and sew a tube as wide as the felted satin band. I reversed it and pulled the satin band through. I sew it between the felted bag and the fabric lining.

I also tried tucking the felt and punching it on the bag. I liked this result very much!

I think I will use all these techniques for a coat...


  1. That's wonderful, love the cell phone case as well

  2. What a great little bag!

  3. thank you, mattias and sue! I cherish your comments!

  4. This is a beautifully made little thing! I look forward to seeing the coat............

  5. yes I agree with the others it is wonderful

  6. Love the little face poking out!! Great little bag....

  7. Looks great this little bag and i also look forward to your coat.

  8. Came up here throughout the Flickr, searching for people interested in textile...there is not to many...
    beautifull work you have,
    it has some spirituality in it,

    Tachi delect!

  9. great sara, a coat is might ambitious of you.

  10. this is so lovely. i really like it. beautyful. all the textures and colour sheme. great work.

  11. I love it Sara. Are you going to make a short or long coat? Lots of work.

  12. thank you once more for the comments! I'm thinking about a short one, actually I want to embellish one because to tailor is "work" for me...:-) but I must look for the right one in a second hand shop.

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