I've been tagged by
The rules
Start with 7 random facts/habits about yourself
People who are tagged have to write their 7 things on their blog
Then choose another 7 people to get tagged and list their names
Don't forget to leave them a comment to tell them they
have been tagged and to read your blog1. I always have bread with miso and spread cheese for breakfast
2. I don't like to phone (out of free will, only if I must...!). I only communicate per email (no communication before that invention!)
3. I'm afraid of insects at night in my room (not in Austria, but in Argentina and Australia)
4. I always tell the truth, even if it's bad or embarrassing for me... (kind of silly sometimes...)
5. I don't like to have very young children around me (and I had 7 of my own - you tell me why!)
6. I like to read books and see films in their original language (I can do it in German, Spanish, French and English, so I have a huge range of authors! if I cannot read the language they are written in -love f.i. Haruki Murakami and Qiu Xiaolong-, I read them in English)
7. I can't garden (and I don't like to because I'm the sure plant death! this gives me too many pangs of conscience...) ...AND I'm married to a farmer. My life consists of discrepancies...
I tag
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