Apr 11, 2014

Life continues - Das Leben geht weiter - La vie continue - La vida continúa

... but my studio will take longer to be finished... I try to forget stitching...

...aber mein Studio wird nicht bald fertig... Ich versuche mit Sticken die Zeit zu vertreiben...

...mais mon atelier ne va pas etre fini ce mois... J'essaye d'oublier en brodant...

...pero mi atelier no progresa... Trato de olvidar bordando...


  1. It is so hard to be patient sometimes, but your delightful pieces of art don't seem to have diminished your creativity. I hope you get some good news about the studio soon.

  2. Ahhhh Sara, you can stitch anywhere ..... ;-)

    (though I wish your studio will be finished soon !)
