Apr 28, 2014

Challenge - Booklet Feltalong - Page 1

This is the first page of the booklet. I send the information about it to the participants per email.

If you would like to participate the inscription closes Monday night (28.04.14).

The knitalong is for free and there will be a raffle or one of my pages between the participants that uploaded at least 6 pages and the cover of the book to the Challenge Pinterest Group (you can find the link on the top of the right column of this blog). Also each participant will donate one page to one of the other participants at the end of the challenge so that each participant will be surprised with one mystery page.
It will be somehow a combination of challenge with round robin...

Apr 24, 2014

CHALLENGE! - Booklet Feltalong – Free – You are invited to sign in! In English

This is the project I was thinking of since a long time. It is about offering a feltalong in the blog and I tried to imagine how to organize it to make it interesting and fun. It should be somehow myterious and a way to encourage you and help you to keep going and discover  techniques in a playful way.

This is the idea:

  1.        The object we are going to be working on is on a small art book doing a page at a time.  
  2.         It will be a visit card size so that you will be able to do the pages one by one in no time (I discarded the inchies version of it for being too small!!). The size the first page turned out to be was about 2 ½“ x 3 ½“ - without the button part - and I think it’s a decent size to work with. 
  3.       The booklets will have a theme. Mine will be - true to my style - a Medieval one... It can also be a flower book, a discovery book, a houses book, you name it..
  4.    The pages are going to be made out of felt, dry or wet done. You can use fabric instead but because they are so small they can easily be needle felted or cut out from a felted piece and the assembly of the book the way I imagine it will be easier with felt to accomplish. 
  5. I will be posting the instructions on Mondays. 
  6. We will have a Bookies Group Board in Pinterest. 
  7.   I will offer a technique or embellishment  idea  for each page.
  8.  I will be sending more suggestions and ideas per email to the people who inscribe to the feltalong.
  9.  I WILL RAFFLE ONE OF MY PAGES AT THE END BETWEEN THE ONES WHO INSCRIBED TO THE FELTALONG , who participated actively and commented throughout on the blog. each one of the participants is asked to do the same with one of the pages she/he made. To be considered an active participant you should have made at least 6 pages and the cover of the booklet and pin them to the Pinterest Group Board.
  10. Any additional ideas will be posted in my blog The Fabric of Meditation.
  11. You can send me all questions you have per email.
  12. TO INSCRIBE PLEASE SEND AN EMAIL TO:  lechner.sara@gmail.com


Apr 16, 2014

Flower Angel - Blumenengel - Ange de la Fleur - Angel de la Flor

This little angel is looking for Easter bunnies...

Dieser kleiner Engel sucht Osterhasen...

Ce petit ange est en train de chercher des lapins de Paques...

Este angelito está buscando conejitos de Pascuas...

Apr 12, 2014

Birds - Vögel - Oiseaux - Pájaros

I love the freedom in the change of  scale in illuminated manuscripts. 

Ich liebe die Freiheit im Skalawechsel in illuminierten Manuskripten. 

J'adore la liberté du changement d'échelle dans les manuscripts illuminés

Adoro la libertad en el cambio de escala en los manuscritos iluminados.

Apr 11, 2014

Life continues - Das Leben geht weiter - La vie continue - La vida continúa

... but my studio will take longer to be finished... I try to forget stitching...

...aber mein Studio wird nicht bald fertig... Ich versuche mit Sticken die Zeit zu vertreiben...

...mais mon atelier ne va pas etre fini ce mois... J'essaye d'oublier en brodant...

...pero mi atelier no progresa... Trato de olvidar bordando...

Apr 7, 2014

Day and Night - Tag und Nacht - Le jour et la nuit - Día y noche

Influence of the Middle Ages... sun, moon and little clouds.

Einfluß vom Mittelalter... Sonne, Mond und kleine Wolken.

Influence du moyen age... soleil, lune et petits nuages.

Influencia de la edad media... sol, luna y nubecitas.

Apr 5, 2014

Growing - Wachsen - Grandissant - Creciendo

Rainy day - Regentag - Jour de pluie - Día de lluvia

Outside, not in the piece!

Draussen, nicht in dem Stück!

Dehors, pas dans la pièce!

Afuera, no en la pieza!

Using old lace and a kind of shadow work putting wool under it. 

Spitze und Schattenstickerei mit Wollfülle.

Dentelle et "shadow work" avec de la laine dessous.

Encaje y "shadow work" con lana adentro.

A beginning of something... The needle keeps the rain blues away...

Ein Anfang... Die Nadel erhellt den trüben Tag...

Un commencement... L'aiguille peut changer un jour triste et gris...

Un principio... La aguja ayuda a cambiar un día triste y gris....