Mar 25, 2011

The Lichen Forest - Der Flechtenwald - La Foret des Lichens - El bosque de los Líquenes

There are lots of fantastic creatures there. They come out in spring and little fairies are able to draw them on the bark of the trees so that walkers can see them even if they hide.
Es gibt Unmengen von fastantischen Kreaturen dort. Sie erscheinen in Früling und kleine Feen zeichnen sie auf den Baumrinden, so daß Wanderer sie - auch wenn sie sich verstecken - sehen können.
Il-y-a beaucoup de créatures fantastiques dans ce bois là. Elles apparaissent au printemps et les petites fées sont capables de les voir. Elles les dessinent sur l'écorce des arbres pour que les randonneurs puissent les voir meme si elles se sont cachées.
Allí hay muchísimas creaturas fantásticas. Salen en la primavera y las pequeñas hadas las dibujan en la corteza de los árboles para que los paseantes la puedan ver aunque se hayan escondido.


  1. Oh Sara. This is beautiful. Every time I look there is something different to see.

  2. So much dream beeings ! This is the spring piece, like in the Czech forrest.

  3. This is so beautifully whimsical Sara. It is like a fairy story for grownups!

  4. Loving all your beautiful new pieces!

  5. Hi it is Lynda from l
    love your workx if you ever feel like a swap..please askxxlynda

  6. thank you, friends!
    lynda, I'll think about it, it would be great.

  7. hermoso,el encaje me encanta es hermoso ,hermosa combinación de colores saludos

  8. wonderful, so much beautiful texture.

  9. What should I say about this stuff. Patterns are made so that it will put you in real depth while you will stare at during meditation. This persons seems to understand very deeply what actually the meditation is all about. You made me your fan dear and these are not just words. Amazing stuff! Do you still think that meditation is difficult???

  10. Beautiful textiele, Love it!
