Jun 17, 2009

Bicycle tour

Today I did the biggest bicycle tour in my life! more than 30 km. This is for me something like the Tour de France. I got a red tan and I feel fine. I don't have the sore muscles I was expecting. I must confess that the road was a rather flat bicycle road but it was all new for me.

We took coffee at a nice Café, sat near a waterfall knitting and reading, ate at a wonderful restaurant sitting under a tree and we came back safe to the car.

I will do this once a week!

Heute habe ich die größte Radtour meines Lebens gemacht. Mehr als 30 km. Dies ist für mich wie das Tour de France. Ich habe einen Sonnenstich und fühle mich super. Ich habe keinen Muskelkater! Ich muß zugeben, dass es ein flacher Radweg war, aber ganz neu für mich.

Wir haben Kaffee getrunken, gestrickt und gelesen neben einem Wasserfall (Foto kommt später) und in einem Restauranthof unter einem Baum gegessen.

Ich möchte es wöchentlich wiederholen!


  1. Wie wunderschön ist es bei dir. Heimweh, Heimweh, Heimweh!
    Ein kleines bisschen traurig, Claudia

  2. The photos make me miss the Berner Oberland, where I lived for a year many years ago.

    Congratulations on your fresh air & virtue.

  3. this sounds absolutely amazing. what a wonderful adventure to do often!

  4. Bravo Sara .. . .
    that's quite an accomplishment!

  5. Oh what fun...and great work out. It is so hilly here.

  6. Its usually the day after the day after!
    Its so lovely for cycling..flat.

  7. Cycling is wonderful...such a great feeling of accomplishment when done, too.

  8. I never though I would get so many comments about my bike tour! I think I must start a bike blog... :-)

  9. Your trip sounds lovely and the places you went to look amazing from the photos. Last time I rode a bike I was 10, so 30km sounds like a lot to me.

  10. That is some achievement! The scenery you cycled through is so beautiful. My legs feel quite tired for you!!

  11. nothing like exercise....it energized us all!

  12. Grossartig, gut für dich und in diese schöne umgebung muss das echt spass machen.

  13. There is nothing like touring on a bike. I did a cross country bike tour years ago. Time slows down and you see things you would never see in a car. My biggest surprise was seeing peacocks in someones yard!
    Your day trip sounds lovely!

  14. Te felicito Sara, no se si yo llegaria!
