Apr 27, 2009
Visiting my daughter - Besuch bei meiner Tochter
I had the opportunity of taking photos of two of my daughters with their children and one husband...
I'm a week away from home and have no Photoshop in my laptop so I had to play with Photoscape, a free download that's not bad for converting photos from the camera to a useful size and a couple of filters.
Ich hatte die Gelegenheit, zwei meiner Töchter, einen Ehemann und meine Enkerl zu fotografieren.
Ich bin eine Woche nicht zu Hause und ich habe keinen Photoshop in meinem Laptop. I habe ein Gratisdownload von einer Software "Photoscape" für Fotosverarbeitung ausprobiert. Damit kann ich mindestens die Fotos, die ich mache, uploaden.
Apr 18, 2009
Just spring - Nur Frühling
Just rings I did for my grandchildren and flowers my husband brought me some minutes ago.
Apr 16, 2009
Penelope principle ... or constructing and deconstructing

I am thinking about construction, development, dependence and interaction.
A doll.
Wool from a sheep. The wool was sheared. Washed. Transported. Carded. Dyed. Sold. Bought. Storaged.
Paper began as a tree. Shall I write all the steps, roads and inks it took till it got into a book?... Written. Printed. Sold. Bought. Put on a shelf. Found its way into a flea market. Sold. Bought. Storaged. Teared. Sewn. Punched.
Fabric.... imagine please the steps that brought it to my sewing machine and embellisher.
Thread....once more the whole story of it.
A recycled kimono... with its own history.
Face...Drawn. Photoshoped. Printed.
Needles... where does metal begin at? what do I have in my hand? how many lives, stories, miles, insolvencies, bookkeeping records, internationality, globalization can find place in this only doll?
...and now I put everything together, tear it, distort it, cover and uncover it, just to twinge it, punch it, pierce it, stab it, jab and puncture it once more. I cut and add till the doll is a part of me, of what I am. It's delivered and shown after I take and add without obvious sense on all of its surface...
Why do we do this, why do we like this, why do we put together our own little universe? why do other people like it, want it, keep it, give it away, rediscover it, throw it in the garbage, exhibit it, give it to a museum, recycle it?
And there is joy and tears, discovery, serendipity, envy, selflessness, passion, pain, illusion, fear and all the human feelings palette in the process. And most of all oblivion at the end.
And this ragged piece of doll is a philosophical cornerstone that distracts me from finishing my bookkeeping.
Folks, this is a real mad, mad world...
A doll.
Wool from a sheep. The wool was sheared. Washed. Transported. Carded. Dyed. Sold. Bought. Storaged.
Paper began as a tree. Shall I write all the steps, roads and inks it took till it got into a book?... Written. Printed. Sold. Bought. Put on a shelf. Found its way into a flea market. Sold. Bought. Storaged. Teared. Sewn. Punched.
Fabric.... imagine please the steps that brought it to my sewing machine and embellisher.
Thread....once more the whole story of it.
A recycled kimono... with its own history.
Face...Drawn. Photoshoped. Printed.
Needles... where does metal begin at? what do I have in my hand? how many lives, stories, miles, insolvencies, bookkeeping records, internationality, globalization can find place in this only doll?
...and now I put everything together, tear it, distort it, cover and uncover it, just to twinge it, punch it, pierce it, stab it, jab and puncture it once more. I cut and add till the doll is a part of me, of what I am. It's delivered and shown after I take and add without obvious sense on all of its surface...
Why do we do this, why do we like this, why do we put together our own little universe? why do other people like it, want it, keep it, give it away, rediscover it, throw it in the garbage, exhibit it, give it to a museum, recycle it?
And there is joy and tears, discovery, serendipity, envy, selflessness, passion, pain, illusion, fear and all the human feelings palette in the process. And most of all oblivion at the end.
And this ragged piece of doll is a philosophical cornerstone that distracts me from finishing my bookkeeping.
Folks, this is a real mad, mad world...
Apr 14, 2009
Last picture of my shop - Letztes Bild von meinem Shop

It took me a while to decide this, but today I must tell you that I closed both of my shops.
I want to work more freely in the future and the shops were keeping me fixed in a spot somehow.
This year I have so many travels abroad that I'm not going to be able to work for the shops like I used to.
I'd like to try a new way of communication and working and I will have plenty of time between my workshops this year to make a good plan. I already have some idea of what I would like to do. Time will tell.
Ich habe eine Weile gebraucht, um diese Entscheidung zu fällen. Ich habe meine beiden Shops gesperrt.
Ich möchte mehr Arbeitsfreiheit haben und die Shops haben mich daran gehindert.
Heuer muß ich öfters ins Ausland fahren und ich würde die Shops auch nicht gut betreuen können.
Ich möchte neue Formen der Kommunikation und Arbeit im Blog finden und ich werde zwischen meine Workshops Zeit haben, daran zu denken. Ich habe schon eine Ahnung bezüglich dies...
Wir werden sehen.
I want to work more freely in the future and the shops were keeping me fixed in a spot somehow.
This year I have so many travels abroad that I'm not going to be able to work for the shops like I used to.
I'd like to try a new way of communication and working and I will have plenty of time between my workshops this year to make a good plan. I already have some idea of what I would like to do. Time will tell.
Ich habe eine Weile gebraucht, um diese Entscheidung zu fällen. Ich habe meine beiden Shops gesperrt.
Ich möchte mehr Arbeitsfreiheit haben und die Shops haben mich daran gehindert.
Heuer muß ich öfters ins Ausland fahren und ich würde die Shops auch nicht gut betreuen können.
Ich möchte neue Formen der Kommunikation und Arbeit im Blog finden und ich werde zwischen meine Workshops Zeit haben, daran zu denken. Ich habe schon eine Ahnung bezüglich dies...
Wir werden sehen.
Apr 12, 2009
Finished! - Fertig!
Ein kleines Spiel mit Kamera und Photoshop... Ich bin froh, daß ich dieses Stück fertig habe. Ich brauchte etwas passend zu dem Kleid ich trage.
Happy Easter! - Frohe Ostern!
He was tired of running so he jumped in my basket...
Er war müde vom Laufen und so sprang er in mein Korb...
... and today my blog is going to be pink!
... und heute mein Blog wird rosa sein!
Er war müde vom Laufen und so sprang er in mein Korb...
... and today my blog is going to be pink!
... und heute mein Blog wird rosa sein!
Apr 11, 2009
Enjoying light and camera - Licht und Kamera genießen
I worked on my bookkeeping all day and I just finished when a wonderful light came into the room. I used it to take some photos trying my new camera once more.
The first one is the wrap I'm doing to match a summer dress I have.
The second one is a kind of Easter thing, with eggs that aren't round (I love distortions...!!).
The last one is from this odd light in the room. Everything looked lovely...
Ich habe den ganzen Tag mit meiner Buchhaltung verbracht, bis ein wunderbares Licht mich ablenkte. Ich nahm meine neue Kamera sofort, um das Bild fest zu halten.
Das erste Foto ist von einem Umhang, den ich gerade für ein passendes Kleid mache.
Das Zweite ist von einer Dekoration, die das Ähnlichste zu einer Osterdekoration heuer ist...
Das Letzte ist vom komischen und wunderschönen Licht...
Apr 10, 2009
Apr 2, 2009
Old habits are difficult to kill... - Gewohnheiten sind schwer zu ändern
Yesterday I discovered the first issue of a new web magazine from the UK "Inside Crochet"
and had to order it right away because of the moebius on the front page... The Cecily Moebius from Amanda Perkins.
On the evening I heard an audio book while I crochet it and now I have half the size because I used a rather thin wool - a sock one - for it. This means I have to do 74 instead 42 flowers... but it's worth the work invested. I must hear another book today!
Gestern habe ich die erste Ausgabe einer neuen Zeitschrift aus GB "Inside Crochet"und ich habe sie gleich abbonieren müssen wegen dem Moebiusschal auf der Titelseite... (erste Ausgabe gratis und dann 2GBP alle 2 Monate, nicht schlecht...) das Cecily Moebius von Amanda Perkins.
Am Abend häkelte ich während ich ein Hörbuch genoß. Leider ist die Sockenwolle, die ich benutzte dünner als die in der Angabe und jetzt muss ich 74 anstatt 42 Blumen machen...und noch ein Buch hören!
Apr 1, 2009
New Camera - New Photos - New Work
I had to buy a new camera because the old one died a natural death... I'm very happy with the new one, a Samsung L310W from Amazon. Yes, it is this pink! The pictures have real good colours and I don't have to Photoshop them too much!
I took a couple of photos of my new piece and of the studio to test it and I wanted to share them with you. I was the one to jiggle, not the camera. Next time I must use my tripod!
Ich habe eine neue Kamera kaufen müssen, da die Letzte den Geist aufgegeben hat... Ich bin aber sehr zufrieden mit der Neuen, eine Samsung L310W von Amazon. Und, ja, sie ist auch so knallpink! Die Bilder haben sehr reale Farben und ich muss nicht so viel an sie mit Photoshop arbeiten!.
Ich habe ein Paar Fotos zum ausprobieren gemacht. Von meinem Studio und von meinem neuen Stück und ich wollte sie zeigen. Ich bin die Eine, die wackelte, nicht die Kamara. Das nächste Mal muss ich mit dem Stativ arbeiten!
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