Nov 17, 2008

An idea...

I have an idea which could help that my book would be sold at too.

If you go to and look for Sara Lechner, you will get this site of a Ruth Rae where I have a piece of mine.

At the botton you will find :
"Books: See all items"

and there:
Search Feedback
Did you find what you were looking for? Yes No
If you press "NO", you can leave a comment and you could ask in this comment if you can order the book :

Gesichter - Faces
ISBN-13: 978-3875127522

This could help to get the book to (if some of you ask!). They only have it at but you could buy it there too if you are familiar with I always buy at and the buttons are the same than in English.

My book shop

Now you can buy my book in my book shop. You can find a link to it on the upper right side of the blog. I can send to all the world for only 6€ shipping cost priority mail! If you want me to send it per ship, this would cost only 3€ shipping (but take 2 months perhaps...)!

The book has 144 pages full of pictures of the whole pieces and details where you can find many ideas for your own work. It is really a coffee table book and I'm very happy with my publisher for having done such a good job!

Vous pouvez acheter mon livre directement si vous suivez le lien hypertexte que vous trouvez à la droite de ce blog.

Se puede comprar el libro directamente siguiendo el hiperenlace arriba a la derecha en este blog.

Nov 14, 2008

You can buy the book at

If you don't live in the European Union or if you prefer to order it directly - (shipping cost outside Germany in Europe is 6€!), I will put a link in this blog as soon as I get my math done!

Man kann schon mein Buch in kaufen. Ich möchte die Österreicher darauf aufmerksam machen, dass sie bis zum 16. November 10% Ermässigung bei Amazon bekommen!

Nov 10, 2008

The quadriplets - Die Vierlinge

The quadriplets story is growing with every stitch I make. I have explained more about all this from different points of view in my other blogs "TRS" and "WA".
I have quite a bad light for photos these days. I hope the fall with its fogs is going to finish soon.

Die Geschichte der Vierlinge wächst mit jedem Stich. Ich habe mehr im anderen Blogs erklärt, in "TRS" und "WA".
Das Licht ist momentan nicht so gut für Photos. Viel Nebel.

Blocking - Spannen

I used this week knitting, whatiffing and watching TV. I had a cold and more time to knit because it wasn't very demanding. While I knitted I thought about my Whatif-piece story too.
This vest is the shape of pullover/poncho/vest I'm always wearing because it is easy to put on on top of anything when I enter my cold studio, it doesn't has long sleeves that get into everything and it warms very much because of the air layers between the loose clothing I also wear.

I got the idea of all these shapes from this picture, and I intend to knit most of them, using some frames as a background for embellished shapes:

The yellow surfaces on my knitted pieces are the ones which are going to be embellished. They are not real ponchos because I sew the side seams up to the arm holes. It will look similarly to my Frida vest.

Nov 8, 2008

What I'm working on - Was ich gerade mache

In my project at this moment I'm trying many What-Ifs. The idea of using a fringe as an element of the wallhanging is from Jude. I did my own version using it as a hair dress for my quadruplets.

In meinem gegenwärtigen Projekt versuche ich viele neue Was Wäre Wenns.Die Idee, eine Franse im Stoff zu lassen und zu verwenden kam von Jude. Ich habe meine eigene Version als Zöpfe für die Vierlinge.

I also noticed that the idea of whatiffing for finding a new way of working using material we have available in our stash and not using other additives give birth to ideas of techniques that coincide and overlap among one another.

Ich habe auch gemerkt, dass beim Was Wäre Wenn und beim Versuch nur mit Sachen aus unserem Materiallager zu verwenden und ohne kommerzielle Hilfsmittel wie Farben und Folien zu arbeiten, die Techniken, die entstehen, sich irgendwie überlappen.

Because of that I want to define my goals and what I'm trying on this piece.

Deswegen möchte ich meine Ziele in diesem Stück definieren.

I'm looking for a way to make small pieces that enhance one another and finding new ways of connecting them. Because I like connections - like my wire ones - which make the many small pieces into a whole but keeping it a wallhanging and not a quilt, I'm heading in this direction.

Ich suche nach Verbindungen, die - wie meine Drahtverbindungen - das Ganze zu einem Wandbehang und nicht so viel einem Quilt machen.

I'm also trying to combine more the embellisher and the fabric appliqué because also doing some appliqué by hand gives another dimension to the whole. Things stand up from the background embellishing differently.

Ich möchte auch mehr das Embellishen mit dem Handapplizieren kombinieren, weil dadurch viele Sachen eine neue Dimension bekommen in Verhältnis zum Hintergrund.

This also means more hand work and a slower pace. I can relate to what Jude means with "slow cloth"!

Das bedeutet auch mehr Handarbeit und Langsamkeit. Ich kann verstehen, was Jude meint mit der Bezeichnung "langsames Tuch"!

You can see more pictures in my Watiffing-Around blog.

Mehr Fotos in meinem Was Wäre Wenn blog.

Nov 1, 2008

Snow angel - Schneeengel


I did a new angel for this Advent. It is one that's on a pole so that you can put it in a vase or something similar. I put it in my Christmas branch decoration.

It is made with the embellisher and I used self made paper for the wings.

Ich habe einen neuen Engel für diesen Advent gemacht. Er steht auf einer Stange, die man in eine größere Vase oder Ähnliches geben kann.

Ich habe ihn mit dem Embellisher gemacht und habe selbst geschöpftes Papier für die Flügel verwendet.