Feb 17, 2008

House on the move I - Wanderhouse I

This is the first house of a moving village. I planned this village some time ago and was waiting for the winter to begin with it.

I like very much to use wire as a contrast to the light paper and wool surfaces.

I did lots of free motion embroidery.

Dieses ist das erste Haus von einem Wanderdorf. Ich habe dieses Dorf schon lange geplant und wartete auf den Winter um damit anzufangen.

Ich mag die Arbeit mit Draht sehr - als Kontrast mit der Leichtigkeit von Papier und Wolle.

Ich habe viel freies Maschinsticken darauf gemacht.


  1. Oooh, a "Wanderhaus" is just what I need! We move every few years, so it would be great if our house would move with us. :-)

  2. Das Haus ist fantastisch geworden. Bin schon sehr auf die nächsten gespannt.

  3. I just came across your blog and the more I look at it the more I get a feeling that you must be a fairy. I like it.

  4. Ich bin ganz begeistert von der Leichtigkeit des Objektes und der Kombination der Materialien

  5. Unbelievably fabulous, Sara! : )

  6. Love it! love it! love it! Is the wool put onto the paper with your embellisher? Does the lady come out of the window? I really like the laundry hanging from the line. My thought are flying out the window looking at this faster than the speed of light, so many things to look at and so many things to ponder. You are amazingly creative Sara. Just amazing!

    Jill in florida

  7. Oh Sara, was für eine wundervolle Idee. Ich seh sie schon in meinem Kopf hin-und her laufen, deine Häuser auf ihren zierlichen Beinen.
    Gar nichts außergwöhnliches für mich, da ich schon 16mal umgezogen bin und mein inneres Zuhause immer mitnehme.
    Wie herrlich!

  8. This is spectacular, Sara! I've just bought a house -- so I will be moving soon. I wish that I could just move the house that I live in now into the new house!

  9. this is just great, such fantasy and i am really liking the density of the embellished work against the lightness of the wire. and then again the lightness of the stitch drawn line. beautiful.

  10. this is lovely. i really love your work!

  11. I love this! I love artistic houses, they are cosy and welcoming.

  12. there aren't words. what a wonderful fantasy piece. how fitting that there are furry words on the outside.

    i wonder how you achieve this effect. it is so cool looking...
