Jan 17, 2018

My new project - read to the end because it is almost a challenge. Mainly in English. En Francais à la fin du texte. Auf Deutsch am Ende des Textes-

Procrastinating in the web I found a wonderful article in https://www.textileartist.org/ where the wonderful English artist Sue Stone has a series of videos you can watch for free about "How to develop a system for experimentation with textiles".

It was actually the help I needed at this moment. How to concentrate in something and to have a guide for my work. I can only recommend you to watch these videos!! Tell me what you think about them if you do and also tell Sue!!

After that I began having a "purpose" and applying it to my techniques.

I cut a felted surface I already had in small pieces (the ruler is in cm!):

and took one of them for my first practice. My purpose is to work with my technique but giving more emphasis to embroidery in simple stitches.

I choose also some other surfaces for cut outs.

I did a kind of face, I cannot live without them...

(I notice I don't have the photos in the right order... but you can imagine it)

At last I got this, using different stitches and yarns in different weights.

Perhaps even if I'm not offering a new challenge you could follow my musings and start a similar project. I will open a Pinterest album for this project and if you want to upload photos of a similar project in Pinterest together with me I will send you an invite so that you are able to do this!

Under all the participants in this project who post at least 6 photos of their growing piece I will do a raffle of one of my pieces at the end.

This is almost a challenge but easier for me to do!! and it is for free.

Pour les FrancaiSes: Je ne vais pas traduire tout ce que j'écris, mais je vais expliquer un peu de quoi ca s'agit: 

Je vais montrer ce que je fais en ce moment pour pratiquer la broderie simple avec toutes ses possibilités. Vous verrez des photos qui vous conduiront à travers le tout. Je n'aurai pas besoin de texte.

Vous pouvez joindre ce défi en montant des images à Pinterest dans le dossier que  j'ouvrirai pour cela. Si vous montez plus de 6 photos du procès vous pouvez participer à la tombola à la fin et vous pouvez gagner une de mes petites broderies dans ce jeu. 

Vous pouvez faire tout avec vos motifs ou copier les miens, l'idée c'est de pratiquer les techniques simples sur des petites surfaces, la répétition vous fera dévelloper vos techniques.

Ce n'est pas un challenge, mais ca ne me fait pas tellement de travail et je pense que je peut l'offrir pour mes amies et visites du blog!! Le défi es gratuit.

Für die Deutschsprechende: Ich werde nicht alles übersetzen, da die Fotos schon alles zeigen.

Es werden kleine Übungen im Sticken auf Filz sein und ich möchte alle Möglichkeiten üben, die die ganz einfachen Stichen erlauben. Damit kann man in seiner Arbeit wachsen. Die vielen kleine Stickereien kann man zum Schluss zu einem Ganzen zusammennähen oder einzeln verwenden..

Man kann sich bei mir anmelden, so dass Sie auch Ihre Fotos in meinem Pinterest-Album uploaden, so dass wir alle sehen können, was alle Teilnehmer machen.

Unter den Teilnehmern werde ich eine meiner kleinen Stickereien auslosen.

Dies ist kein Challenge wie die Anderen aber es macht mir weniger Arbeit und ich kann das schaffen!
Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei.


  1. Lovely, and so "you", Sara ;-)
    I can imagine your concerns about another "Challenge" and hope
    that, now you've made a decision, you'll have the quiet time
    one needs to create ! (I consider myself happy to have met you
    in person, and joined in with three of the challenges)
    Cheers to a creative 2018 !
    Would be fun to work along ...

    1. I hope you do. I'd like to see what other artists do

  2. You have found your new way of working so quickly, and that is wonderful. I love your faces Sara - they are so much a part of your work.

    1. It is the beginning and I don't know where all is going to lead me...

  3. Hi Sarah, I see you are (like me) inspired by the videos of Sam, Joe & Sue Stone. I love your work and found it very inspiring to take part in 3 of your Challenges and met all those lovely people (although not in person), like Els.

    I very much like to develop my own visual identity, through experimenting with different techniques, which is why I will not take part in your semi-challenge.
    I wish you well on your personal/creative journey. x
