Dec 12, 2016

Free embroidery - Freies Sticken - Broderie libre

I am doing a throw for my bed. I use a bed sheet as a background and I work on it with different techniques: appliqué, crochet, knitting, quilting... I also use all bits and ends I find in my studio and the old fabrics I inherited from my mother.

Je suis en train de faire une couverture pour mon lit. J'utilise beacoup de techniques différentes d'une facon très libre: applications, patchwork, broderie, crochet, tricot... Comme ca je peux utiliser beaucoup de petites pièces que je trouve dans mon atelier et les tissus antiques de ma mère...

Ich mache gerade einen Überwurf für mein Bett. Ich verwende dafür viele Techniken, wie Patchwork, Appliqué, Sticken, Stricken, Häkeln... Auch verwende ich alle kleine angefangenen Stückchen, die ich in meinem Studio finde und die Stoffe, die ich von meiner Mutter geerbt habe.,,

Dec 4, 2016

Slow Cloth

I am doing a throw for my bed for the summer.

For this purpose I am doing some appliqué with the fabrics I dyed.

I will cover the sheet with the dyed fabrics.

Dec 1, 2016

Dyeing... (S.V.P utiliser le traducteur) (Bitte, Übersetzer verwenden)

I would like to appologize for not translating the blog at this time. It is better for you to use the translator than for me not writing at all and therefore not having new blog entries! Life in Buenos Aires is too much for me and I don't seem to have time even to work on my pieces like I have when I'm in Austria in the country. This city is a pulsing one, intense and demanding!!!!

I am doing some experiments with dyeing. I used some cuttings of some bush in the sidewalk outside my house (now that I live in the city I can't be too choosy...) and of course I have no idea of which plant they were... I used them though to dye some of the fabrics I inherited from my mother and they gave a wonderful pink colour (I would never have thought that they would give pink!).

My dyeing recipe:

* equal weight of plants and fabric
* cook the plants for an hour in some water (enough to cover the fabric after the process - it will evaporate so that you should add water to it if you  notice this...
* at the same time simmer the fabric in an amount of salted water (I used a big tablespoon of seasalt for doing this), just enough to cover the fabric - put it in a small recipient.
*After an hour wring the fabric and sieve the plant material from the dye pot (I used an old aluminium pot) and discard it. Use the water to simmer the fabric for one hour. After this I turned off the heat and left the fabric in the dye bad overnight.
*wring, dry and iron it


For the yellow I used the wonderful jacaranda flower leaves you find in Buenos Aires at the time. They have the most beautiful violet color!!
Forget the jacaranda, it didn't work, haha!!
As I noticed this wasn't going to work I added 1 tablespoon turmenic/curcuma/ to the water and I got a beautiful yellow instead!

Nov 12, 2016


I am painting a little bit now because Argentina is getting hotter and hotter so as wool does and I enjoy to use my imagery in a different way...
I also noticed that taking pictures from a painting is tricky... I can't get the shine properly...

Sep 6, 2016

Romanic arches - Romanische Bögen - Arcs Romans - Arcos Romanicos

Inspired by my late trip to France...

Inspiration meiner Frankreichreise...

Inspiré par mon voyage en France...

Inspirado por mi viaje a Francia:

Aug 29, 2016

I'm back - Ich bin zurückgekommen - Je suis de retour - Volví

Back in Argentina once more. It is so good to be able to work in my studio here again. My small retreat in the air (I live in an 11th floor...) overlooking this huge city of Buenos Aires and enjoying this blue sky. I travelled from green to blue. Because of this my first piece is blue too and the moon is trying to sleep (like me with my jetlag...) and tells the little angels to take care of her work in the meantime... I'd love to have some angels taking care of my settling down...

I used my mother's vintage fabrics and some new and painted ones. Some weaving was done on my running stitches, a kind of mending. I like the way it looks... I'm also doing a combination of dry felting with quilting. I think this is the way to go now, Argentina is far too hot for felt alone... Because of that I only felted the white background and the moon's face. I really like to embroider on a felted background, wouldn't like to miss this...

Zurück in Argentinien. Ich bin froh, wieder in meinem studio im 11. Stock zu arbeiten. Ich bin dem blauen Himmel nah. Bin von grün zu blau gefahren. Deswegen vielleicht mein erstes Stück hier ist blau und hat einen Mond, der versucht, zu schlafen (wie ich mit meinem Jetlag...). Er lässt die Engel für ihn arbeiten. Ich würde auch gerne solche kleine Engel haben...

Ich habe alte Stoffe meiner Mutter und einige neuen und bemalten verwendet. Ich habe auch meine Vorstichen gewebt, oder "gestopft", eine neue Möglichkeit. Ich mag das Ergebnis. Auch mische ich Trockenfilzen und Patchwork. Argentinien ist doch zu heiss für "nur" Filzen... Der weisse Hintergrund ist gefilzt, sowie das Mondgesicht. Ich möchte das Sticken auf einer gefilzten Unterlage doch nicht missen...

Je suis de retour en Argentine. Dans mon 11ème étage. Le ciel est bleu. Je suis venue du vert au bleu. Peut etre c'est à cause de cela que ma première piece es bleue. Aussi la lune essaye de dormir (comme moi avec mon jet lag...) et elle laisse ses petits anges faire son travail... Moi aussi j'aimerai bien d'avoir ces petits anges...

J'ai utilisé des tissus anciens de ma mère et aussi des petits bouts de tissu nouveau et paint. J'ai aussi essayé de tisser mes points avant. J'aime combiner le feutre avec le patchwork, c'est moins chaud ici en Argentine... et j'aime aussi broder sur le feutre...

Estoy de vuelta en la Argentina. Estoy contenta de tener de nuevo mi atelier en el piso 11, mirando el cielo azul. Pasé del verde austriaco al azul. Quizás por eso mi primer obra aquí es azul y la luna trata de dormir (como yo con mi jetlag...), ella por lo menos tiene angelitos que hacen su trabajo mientras duerme... me gustaría tenerlos.

Usé telas antiguas de mi madre y alguna nueva o pintada. También hice como una trama de telar en mis puntos de bordado, vean el detalle. Me gusta bordar sobre fieltro.

Feb 24, 2016

Some stitching... Ange brodé... Besticktes Engel...

Just in case we have an uneven number of participants for the exchange in the house challenge I will be sending this small angel to my partner in the raffle...

Au cas où nous avons un nombre impair de participants pour l'échange dans le défi maison, j'enverrai ce petit ange à ma partenaire du tirage au sort ...

Im Falle wir haben eine ungerade Zahl von Teilnehmern im Austausch vom Haus-Challenge, ich werde dieses kleine Engel zu meiner ausgelosten Partnerin senden.

Jan 31, 2016

I'm visiting Houston/Texas in March 2016

Just to tell you that I will be visiting Houston/Texas from the 7th to the 14th of March.

I would like to meet textile art/patchwork groups/artists/crafters for a chat or even eventually for a workshop (I never was able to offer some in the United States).

I know there is little time to plan anything but you never know. I will be renting a car so that it could also be somewhere else in the region.

I like my travels to have a textile art orientation and I would enjoy any kind of meeting!