Jul 1, 2009

Working on the Azores revisited

I'm working on this:

Ich arbeite gerade an dies:

In the Azores I bought some traditional fabrics that are made in the predominant color you find in the island Pico if you refrain from using the all predominant one that is the green of the foliage of the wonderful plants all around you.

In den Azoren habe ich einige traditionelle Stoffe gekauft, die die Hauptfarbe der Insel -abgesehen vom allgegenwärtigen Grün- aufweisen: Schwarz.

The island is mainly black frozen lava and everything, from the houses to the garden earth is made of it.

Die Insel ist hauptsächlich versteinerte Lava, von den Häusern zu der Gartenerde.

I was so happy to receive as a present some wonderfully crocheted doilies to use in my work.
I visited the crafts museum and this was one of the highlights of the trip.

Ich war ganz froh, gehäkelte Deckchen geschenkt zu bekommen. Die Handwerksmuseen waren einer meiner Reisehöhepunkte.

The other thing you could see everywhere - even if I didn't see them in nature - were whales and dolphins, pictures and souvenirs with them. I also visited two museums about whale hunting and art made out of whale teeth. You can see some photos here.

Die andere Sache, die man überall sieht, sind Wale und Delphine in allen Formen, als Fotos, Schnitzereien und Souvenirs. Ich habe zwei Walfangmuseen besucht. Man kann hier Fotos sehen.


  1. i like the darker palette.

  2. thanks, jude, I'm always getting there...

  3. The flowery speech reminds me of medieval paintings, where people have ribbons of speech coming out of their mouths.

  4. I can see Pico through your work. Congratulations! Looks wonderful!
    A big hug from Pico

  5. Gracias, and I like the medieval interpretation!
    and I'm happy that Pico was recognized!

  6. Black lave and dolphins - reminds me of home.

  7. At first glance I thought....Whoa! How dark! But when I linked to the Pico site....Ahhh The dark of lava...the deep of whales....the lightness of people on land. Lovely interpretation.

  8. I love the black and white and that splash of colour...beautiful piece.

    Jacky xox

  9. Loock very friendly!
    Thank you for a interesting post!

  10. this is stunning work Sara. I especially like your colour choices here.

  11. Your work is too wonderful for words, Sara!

  12. molto bella la tua donnina alla finestra, sara.
    la rotellina è a crochet o sbaglio?

  13. matilda, veramente non sò, perche no l'ho fatto io... credo che puo essere sbaglio... é tanto piccolino!

  14. Aquí escribe una nueva admiradora de su trabajo.
    Mi nombre es Amalia Carrara. Argentina, vivo en Munich.Trabajo con porcelana y últimamente mucho con caras! Me sorprendió la afinidad de su trabajo con lo que yo hago. Algo de "synchronicity" en el aire.

  15. amalia, tenés un blog o mail? sería interesante ver tus caras!

  16. Sara (mi hija también se llama Sara), tengo una página en eterna preparación, así que lo mejor sería mandarte algunas fotos por mail. Te mando el mío para que me des el tuyo y poder así enviártelas.
    Gracias por contestar,

  17. I have your book !!!!!!!!!!and I love it so much .
    love Rini from the Netherlands

  18. Oh Sara....I found your blog while just stumbling around...I've been enjoying your work on Flicker, and am so happy to find your sight her. Your work with fabric is just delightful!


  19. Beautiful beautiful work always

  20. Always surprising! Your work is divine! As portuguese I am proud to have Açores converted into a piece of your art.

  21. Sara, I like your work so much. I have known and read your blog for years. It always always always touches me and I always always always smile when I visit. Good to have art like yours to look at! Best wishes, Renata.

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