
Dec 16, 2013

Things to do

Now I'm moving and I will do many changes in the appartment and furniture. I want it all to look white so that my work stands up.

I only want to keep you informed about the progress and document things...

Ich ziehe gerade um und möchte zeigen, das "vorher", später wird das "nacher" kommen!

Je suis en train d'occuper mon nouveau appartement et je veux seulement montrer les photos du progrès. Tout va changer et devenir blanc...

Quiero mostrar el progreso de mi atelier. Todo va a cambiar de color. Esto es el "antes" del "después"!


  1. Oooooh, all white will look nice.

    I just bought myself your book as a Christmas present - it will be a feast for my eyes until you are able to post new works again.

    I am wishing you an easy move and set up - hope the process runs smoothly!

  2. Your fibres and yarns are all stored so neatly. I had a huge clear out a few months back and already my workroom looks as if it needs another one.

  3. I know you well enough to know you will have this all organized and beautiful and will be creating wonderful things again soon! It has been a long wait. You must be excited! We are cheering you on!! ;-)

  4. Alles Gute für den Umzug, und liebe Weihnachtsgrüße aus Österreich
    LG Elke

  5. Wie ordentlich!! So sieht´s bei mir -ganz kurz nimmer nur- "nachher" aus (jedes aufräumen ist ein halber Umzug...)
