
Sep 28, 2007


Today I wanted to see how far you come with the embellisher. I decided to do something graphic or drawn like.

These two insects talking under the fern are the result. I always imagine all these little creatures communicating...

Sep 26, 2007


I visited my daughter and had nothing to do with me (I usually have something to work on). I missed very much to be able to sew... So she gave me a muslin, sewing thread and some fabric scraps and I did this little fall wallhanging while we chatted.

I was very interesting to see what happens if you stitch with sewing thread. Everything became very small and fragile...

We went looking for material to do a fall wreath and I put some of the rose hips in the little pockets.

Sep 20, 2007

Sunny day

Today it was a wonderful day, a sunny one after rather foggy and rainy ones.

A friend from Munich, Christl Furtner, visited me and we talked about textiles and old times...

Before she came I finished a doll for my new book and she picked the opportunity to stroll through the garden with her umbrella... (Photoshop...)

Sep 18, 2007


I was looking at my photos this morning and I found this one of a piece I did some time ago and wanted to share it.

It was a kind of serendipity. I felted the smaller piece of it and put it in the washing machine. It came out with the forms I accentuated by stitching and it was just like the Christmas scene at the stable. The angel, Joseph, Maria and the child...

Sep 15, 2007

"verFilzt Und zugeNäht" (FUN)

I just wanted to tell my German friends that I wrote an article about the Janome X-pression in the magazine FUN

Sep 10, 2007

I've been tagged!

I've been tagged by Hotwater Cornbread

Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had. When you are tagged you need to write your own blog post containing your own middle name game facts. At the end of your blog post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

so...sara is my middle name.

s... as sympathetic. I try to really hear people when they talk and feel with them and I like people who do the same

a... as ambitious. That is the one thing I am not. I like to do art because it is the thing I like to do. I don't think about what happens with it afterwards...

r... as romantic. I like fables and fairy tales, the atmosphere of my childhood, vintage style...

a... as artistic. Everything I see has an artistic potential to me, if it is a stain on the floor or the colors chosen in a scene in a film. I put all of them in my inner hard drive!

My tag-ees are some of the people whose blogs inspire me:


a-a stitch in time

r-ruth rae

a-art and ghosts

Sep 9, 2007

Small bears

I also did these Bertie Bears for my grand children to "look" when they come visit! :-)

I have the pattern from Kirsty Campion Designs . This is a wonderful shop in Australia! Kirsty paints wonderfully too.

It's already cold

It's already cold inside of my studio so that I knitted and did some crochet with the wool I bought in Germany at Wollknoll and Schoppel.

I combined the pieces with some felting on the embellisher and was very happy with the result.

What looks like orange threads on the top is the cord of my glasses!

I hung an African pendant on the bottom to make it heavier so that the border doesn't curl and also as decoration!

Sep 7, 2007

For all Etsy sellers!

I found an interesting tip at "The Storque"

I would recommend all sellers to read it!

Sep 5, 2007

The fairy tale of the 3 cocoons

Well... there is no written fairy tale yet... I'm thinking about it but I don't come to an end.

I wanted just to show the pictures because there are so many I can't show now and I love to share my art.

This piece is made with material from Gabi Tisch in Germany who dyes the most beautiful fabrics, silk,threads, etc. She wanted me to use a package she is preparing for the workshop I'm going to have at her Atelier Tisch on the 1st. of May 2008.

I enjoyed using these wonderful materials, they have so much light and color!! it is because of the silk.

Sep 2, 2007

Leave your skin behind

I continue working with this theme because there are so many things I'm thinking about at this moment.

Do you have old skins you want to leave behind?

This insect I was thinking about eats pomegranates... they are red and rich in taste...he likes them. They carry the poison that's going to kill him...and us too...and everything comes back to the environment, green life, simplicity...

I like riddles.


We are all cocoons hanging in an open cage.

We are working on ourselves all the time and can leave the cage when we thing we're finished.

The most lovely cocoon I know is the one of the "bicho canasto" Oiketicus kirbyi and the butterfly that comes out of it is ugly and considered a "plague"...

I like to meditate on this when I sit on my coffee shop and look at these cages. I love these riddles that have a different outcomes depending on the person who's engaged on the thinking...

The cages are not going to stay on the window sill though. They are part of an installation of 10 cages I'm going to hang from a branch when I finish them.

The cocoons are made of false ivory (a Fimo thing), Polyfilling, scrim/cheesecloth and self made paper. The cages out of wire and vines.