
Feb 22, 2007

Tast Fly Stitch

This is my first small piece for TAST.

I want to put it in my stitch dictionnary. I only used fly stitches.

Stitch dictionnary

I finished so far my stitch dictionnary, although I think I'm going to complete it with my future TAST pieces.

I just joined this group and it will be fun to do a sampler of a stitch every week for a year. The only problem being that I only used black/white which can make the endeavour rather boring somehow... I must see how I resolve this issue...

I put the name of the stitch in each one of the little "pillows" and stitched each stitch trying to show how it is made (this means, not perfectly, but so that you see the different stages). It was a great fun to do it and it was exactly what I needed for this old drawer that I found at a flea market.

Now I have it on the wall in my coffee shop corner of the studio.

Feb 21, 2007

Catch a falling star


This is one more try with the embellisher.

Because I always felt my backgrounds this machine is made for me! I did the appliqué with it too and it was wonderful to stitch on it!

I found the background needed to be more flat and white, so I machine stitched on it.

Because I got so many questions about the embellisher, you can find the answers at

Feb 16, 2007

The lady with the tambourine

Now I finished the piece with the embellisher. It showed the possibilities I was waiting for as I bought it. It is made for me and my technique. It would have spared me much work with my earlier pieces...

I did some hand and machine stitching on the piece and embellished it with beads. It is so nice to sew on this material. I was looking for this feeling as I began to do transparent pieces because I didn't like the difficulty of quilting through all the fabric layers. I also wanted the pieces to look light when on the wall because I think quilts are made for covering and not for hanging.

In my past work I had to use bonding material and this made the pieces thicker and it wasn't so good for stitching through the glue.

Feb 15, 2007

I got it!

After having to wait 20 days for the embellisher to come I got it yesterday!

Today I tried some possibilities. I did the base of a piece I want to stitch into and I made a country picture for a bag.

It is terrible to see how many techniques are possible... At the moment I want to play with everything and don't get attached to any special technique.

Because of the heating of the studio I can't work as much as I want on all my things and I think it will be 2008 till I can really begin with the workshops... My mother comes to visit me 2 months in the summer and I want to work more on my things before I give the classes, I have a real need of working with fabric now...

Feb 5, 2007

I'm getting there...

I'm struggling with a way of combining my two favorite ways of working: drawing and sewing. The problem I have when I want to begin with a textile work is that all my imagination is full of figures. There are not as many colours or textures in the first place, just funny little beings trying to catch my attention... then comes the texture, the making of a fiber background for the story... It's always a story.

I found this piece of work in my stash and I think I'm going to give this technique a try in my next pieces.