
Sep 29, 2006

More studio progress

I took some more pictures of the progress of the studio. Perhaps they are not quite so different at the first sight, but the walls are colored white as are some window frames. You can already notice that there's more light in the room because of that. We also hang some lamps and there is a window with a glass on it showing the straw bales under the adobe (it is usual to do that at adobe houses, just to show how the construction is)
Although it looks quite untidy :-) there is no major work to do but the laying of the wood floor. The electricity is all done, I have all my switches and power sockets. The pipes are already laid to connect with my sink.
When the windows are all painted we can begin with the floor.

Sep 15, 2006

fd's flickr toys

Playing with my computer once more!
I did this using Flickr Toys at

Last generation of collages

As I'm thinking about a new collage series I wanted to show you the ones I did some years ago. They are more "serious" and I used beeswax in them.
Now I'm planning to do some new ones based on the imagery I use in my wallhangings. The idea is not quite "born" yet so that I must really wait till November where I hope I'll already have my new studio.
I really cannot wait till it's finished!

Sep 11, 2006

ATCs from Susan

Today I received the ATCs from Susan Burgess. They are very nice pieces and I was really happy to do the swap!

Sep 10, 2006

Studio progress

I decided to show how my studio is progessing... It looks very wild yet but I think it could be already used in a month or so.
When it's finished I'd love to receive visits of textile artists from all over the world to exchange ideas and techniques.
Did I tell that the whole insulation is made of straw balls? We threw adobe twice over it with a machine and flattened it by hand this time mixing lime to the adobe to make it almost white.
All materials are from our farm so that the costs were very low as we did everything ourselves!
Now we are going to put a wooden floor over the whole space.
I'll keep you informed.
If you want to see more photographs, please look at my Flickr Studio Folder!

In Memoriam

This is a collage I did remembering my foster son who decided to leave this world one month ago. It is a way to cope with it...

Sep 6, 2006


Now I'm into collages because I want to try to use more paint in my pieces and collages are a wonderful way to get more aquainted with these media. I tried image transfer with a laser print and gel medium. It worked very well. I put some gel medium on the canvas and pressed the laser print on it. After that I peeled it rubbing it with my fingers and using water to help. You must do this carefully though, if not you rub some picture pieces away!
The picture is an old family picture of mine and I enjoyed putting the emotions that it conveyed in the collage. It is a very healing occupation! Now I'm doing a second version of this one which I'll upload when I'm finished!